Huracán Lidia / Hurricane Lidia/ L’Ouragan Lidia @ Puerto Vallarta

Resumen de como vivimos el Huracán Lidia y la inundación 2 días después. Summary of how we lived Hurricane Lidia and the flooding 2 days after. Résumé de la façon dont nous avons vécu l’ouragan Lidia et l’inondation 2 jours plus tard.

Welcome Spring! ¡Bienvenida la Primavera! Bienvenue Printemps! Bem-vinda, Primavera!

2023 came with a lot of you travelers visiting us in Puerto Vallarta to live one or several of our lifetime experiences. We were very full and we apologize for just coming by here to welcome spring. El 2023 llegó con muchos de ustedes viajeros visitando Puerto Vallarta para vivir una de nuestras experiencias deContinue reading “Welcome Spring! ¡Bienvenida la Primavera! Bienvenue Printemps! Bem-vinda, Primavera!”

Low Season 2022 is over!

With the hot and humid summer days and the heavy storms, Puerto Vallarta usually experiences a low tourism season that gets even lower during September. September is famous for bringing hurricanes and earthquakes to the bay. But now that season is over and here in Alalibre we are ready to be your hosts during yourContinue reading “Low Season 2022 is over!”

¡Semana Santa sin Basura en Las Playas, por favor!

En estas vacaciones de Semana Santa, recuerda dejar la playa más limpia que como la encontraste. Recoge tu basura y si puedes, llévate un poco de la basura que encuentres aunque no sea tuya. ¡Estas son tus playas y hay que mantenerlas limpias! ¡Prefiere utilizar termos de agua, cerveza o café reutilizables, lleva comida enContinue reading “¡Semana Santa sin Basura en Las Playas, por favor!”

International Women’s Day

Many nice women travelers have joined our hikes and dances with Alalibre. We believe that women should be able to travel with freedom to any corner of the world where men can go without feeling in danger because of their gender. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Today is a day to remember that we stillContinue reading “International Women’s Day”