
The Ceibas are very typical trees in Central America and Africa that we find on Alalibre’s frequent trails to the beaches and waterfalls. They reach up to 70 meters in height and their trunk reaches 3 meters in diameter. They usually develop spines when they are young.
The Ceibas are sacred to the Yoruba, Nahua, Mayan and Bahamian peoples. The word Ceiba comes from a Bahamian word to describe boats made from this tree.
In the Mayan cosmovisión, the ceiba or sacred Yaaxché connects the three planes of the Universe.
Las Ceibas son unos árboles muy típicos en Centroamerica y Africa y que encontramos en nuestros frecuentes senderos a las playas y Cascadas. Alcanzan hasta los 70 metros de Altura y su tronco llega a tener 3 metros de diametro. Usualmente desarrollan espinas cuando son jóvenes.
Las Ceibas son sagradas para los pueblos Yorubas, Nahuas, Mayas y de las Bahamas. La palabra Ceiba viene de un vocablo de las Bahamas para describir embarcaciones hechas a partir de este árbol.
En la cosmovisón Maya, la ceiba o Yaaxché sagrada conecta los tres planos del Universo.

Alalibre 🦋🌳


Lauren and a Ceiba

Published by iandalon

I am Israel Andalón. I have a major in Electronic Engineering from ITESM. However I am a free-lance dance teacher and a tourist guide with my own company Alalibre. Besides Dancing and traveling, I like arts, geek stuff, social media, environmental issues, chess, scooters, literature, drawing, parties, entrepreneurship and marketing.

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